
goin' 2 atl

Well the show is over (one more this season), and I'm sitting in the oh so lovely (sarcasm dripping freely) dallas fort worth(less) airport - myflight is delayed and I've just had a tasty beer and am more than ready for a nap.

I'm on my way to atlanta for a sales meeting I'm producing. From there I fly beack to dallas for another sales meeting.

Regarding the show, there were a number of really cool parts, and more than myfairshare of "how the fuck did we just pull that off" moments.

Whaen I get a real net connection ill post some pic's - a couple of which, the homo's will love (all ill say is "chaps".

More when I get to atl....


Dave said...

"Chaps?" Now you're talking like a British person?

Ohhh... the other kind of chaps...

Kevin said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm ..... chap-a-licious ....