
ms transworld pageant

sorry for the lack of posts in the last few days - work is kickin' my ass with a huge show i'm producing next week in lovely des moines, ia (or as we refer to it des monet, the milan of the upper mid-west) with 7 other shows quickly on the heals of des monet (including the real milan - yea, sucks to be me)....anyway, had to share a quick conversation i had a bit ago with the booking agent for a theater in san francisco i wanted...:
booking agent (b.a.): i would love to help you out but i just booked out that date for the miss trans-world pageant
me: but we would be so much more fun than the miss trans-world pageant!
b.a.: no, i don't think anyone is as much fun as the miss trans-world pageant. in fact, we have a lock on that little market; we also have the pan-asian transsexual pageant coming up.
damn - we got shafted by a bunch of trannies. sucks to be us.


Dave said...

After reading the headline, I was really hoping this post was going to be about a transworld pageant in Des Moines. Now that would have been some fun...

cb said...

There IS a leisure suit convention in Des Moines... don't ask me how I know this.

And the sleeves on that outfit look absolutely deadly.

Anonymous said...

I wanna gooooooo