
bye bye blogger.

yup, it's true. i've flown this coop. blogger, it's not you, it's m..., well actually it is you.
to quote prince:
"i dig u better dead!"
to quote siouxsie"
"i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you...drop dead-you stinking little creep"
ok, so maybe i'm being dramatic, but i gotta say - beta sucks. i've had more formatting challenges since beta went live; not to mention the a plethora of password/sign in issues and lack of a response to my emails. it's annoying as fuck i tell ya!
so, i've moved on over to wordpress. come visit me there won't you?
(please update your blogrolls/favorites)
i'm not totally in love with wordpress yet, but i like their system so far; it's clean, well organized and seems like just the ticket. it's kinda like a new relationship, i have ton's of hopes and dreams, but we'll just go slow and take it day-by-day. (wordpress is a hot piece of ass tho' - so i'm totally in lust).
plus i kinda like underdogs, and wordpress is an underdog to the behemoth that is blogger.
in the meantime, i'll leave this "beta" version of sr...sl up so that folk's can find me

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