
a wish for wings that work

admittedly, you loose something of the context when you have not seen the previous 28 minutes, but this is a small snippet of the greatest animated holiday special ever. opus n' bill's 'a wish for wings that work'.

Opus the Penguin has one aspiration in life: to be able to fly. Unfortunately, destiny--or evolution--has cruelly left his species flightless... until his friend Bill the Cat coughs up a wild idea. Can a Christmas miracle get Opus off the ground? This heartwarming and hilarious holiday romp--based on Berkeley Breathed's comic strip BLOOM COUNTY--features a fine cast of comedic actors, including an uncredited cameo by Dustin Hoffman, as a cross-dressing cockroach.

woefully, it only played once, back in 1991 - but with the power of vhs it lives to this day (if i can find a vcr)... oh, and the power of you tube.... to see it all (of course, you'll want to see it all), go here.

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