
82 things...

i hate incomplete lists. seriously.

for the past few months i've been writing the 100 things about post that every blog seems to have. mostly, i write it when in the air flying here, or there.

but it's not complete, so i have not posted it.

however, the buddhist in me needs to see the complete in the incomplete so as a lesson, i've decided to post what i have.

more to come i'm sure.

1. kyle is my middle name. i don’t go by or use my first name. and one day i'll get off my ass and change it (and my last name too - i hate my last name)
2. i’ve crashed 3 cars (1 was for sure my fault, 1 may have been and i’m pretty sure 1 was so not my fault).
3. i hate cheese in cheese form and on sandwiches.
4. i’m ok with cheese in something – lasagna, pizza, greek etc…
5. i learned the most about sex from a “sex encyclopedia” (with pictures) that was on my parents bookshelf – i would sneak a look at it whenever I could.
6. the first records (45’s) i owned (other than disney/kids stuff) was black magic woman (santana) and disco duck – i was 5 or 6.
7. i can still remember where i was when i first listened to: prince & the revolution’s around the world in a day (walking down 46th street in columbia heights, mn on a cassette in my walkman), prince & the revolution’s parade (driving back to school after cutting class to buy it & listening to it in the car) and prince’s sign o’ the times (during play practice on my cassette walkman).
8. i am (to most people’s surprise) painfully shy.
9. i’m afraid of roller coasters.
10. the first rock concert i was allowed to attend was a christian artist named steve taylor – to this day, i dig steve taylor (except when he gets overly preachy, which doesn’t happen too often).
11. my first real concert was madonna’s who’s that girl tour in ‘87.
12. i also saw madonna’s drowned world tour in madison square garden (15th row center).
13. given a choice, i’d rather see a band/singer in a: 1) club/bar 2) small theater 3) stadium
14. i’ve seen prince over 100 times
15. the top 5 best concerts i ever saw were (in no particular order):
- prince @ paisley park in 1996 when he premiered the emancipation album.
- madonna @ madison square garden in 2001.
- the twilight singers @ the fine line in 2004.
- siouxsie @ house of blues in chicago in 2005.
- concrete blonde @ first avenue on the mexican moon tour.
16. i’m really bad at math. really bad.
17. i’m a pretty damn good photographer if you ask me. i’d be dangerous with a real camera.
18. king george is bringing about the complete & total downfall of the united states.
19. pepsi is god’s gift to pop. tho’ i only allow myself to drink it when i’m on a plane or producing an event (or really stressed out).
20. i’ve only been in one physical fight and it was in 6th grade.
21. i make the world’s best jambalaya. really.
22. i once drove a friend of mine to the clinic to get an abortion.
23. i believe it is fundamentally important to allow a woman the right to choose.
24. i’m very conflicted when a woman says the father has no say in her having the child or not.
25. i realize this is a dichotomy.
26. i like the smell of gasoline.
27. i believe in ghosts
28. i also believe there is life elsewhere in the universe.
29. cuddling is more intimate than fucking.
30. i have no discernable athletic talent.
31. i hate sleeping in clothes.
32. the song ‘gabriel’ by lamb is quite possibly the most beautiful song i have ever heard.
33. the song ‘strange relationship’ by prince reminds me of cindy.
34. i’ve not talked to cindy since 1988.
35. this saddens me tremendously.
36. i do have a tendency to end friendships.
37. i lost cindy to drugs.
38. i have no tolerance for drugs.
39. that said i have smoked a joint or two. i don’t feel strongly one way or another about marijuana.
40. kate bush is god.
41. there is no refuting that belief.
42. i would spend as much money as possible to see kate perform.
43. as she has not performed in public in a very very very long time, i do not think i’ll ever get that opportunity.
44. i’m the rare kate fan that prefers ‘the sensual world’ to her masterwork ‘hounds of love’.
45. tho’ i gotta give it up to hounds… that thing is fuckin’ brilliant.
46. i believe in the power of song placement on a record.
47. kate bush’s ‘nocturn’ amazes me on every level; from the voice to the lyrics to the arrangment – it could give lamb’s ‘gabriel’ a run for it’s money.
48. kate has a symbol that’s hidden in each of her album covers, i have that symbol tattooed on my ankle
49. i have 6 tattoos.
50. i will tell you about any of them (except one).
51. i am getting more
52. i hate that at 36, i’m still alone.
53. i have quite possibly the best job in the world.
54. the company i work for has ruined me for ever working for a corporation again. they understand that you can balance the right way to do business without affecting the planet and it’s indigenous people’s in a harmful manner while still making a profit and showing real care for the well-being of their employees..
55. i am a complete and total work-a-holic. but i love it. every minute.
56. i have grown more, and been challenged more in the past year and a half in my current role, then in the last 15 years of my professional life.
57. i honestly don’t get why straight guys are struck dumb by a woman’s breasts.
58. to the best of my knowledge, i have never slept with a woman.
59. that said, there is a very slight chance something may have happened in winnipeg in 1989.
60. i was drunk enough that i couldn’t say with any amount of certainty one way or another if something happened.
61. my favorite painter is mark rothko
62. i think the ipod is one of the greatest inventions of recent time.
63. i have two ipod's. they have names: “catch” and “whaley-boy”.
64. both names come from characters in christopher moore’s books.
65. my favorite book of all time (and subsequently movie) is to kill a mockingbird.
66. until it actually happened, i never thought I would live to be 30 years old.
in fact, I couldn’t even comprehend the possibility, or visualize that life.
67. i do not know my biological father, nor did i have a good relationship with my adoptive father.
68. both men essentially walked out on me.
69. i’m pretty sure that that might have something to do with my innate distrust of most men.
70. i believe in absolutes. there is very little that is “grey” in my life. i either love it or hate.
71. i wear my heart on my sleeve and you know if i like you or not and what i think about a given situation.
72. i have 3 piercing’s. two of which are in my left ear.
73. the guitar solo in the song ‘dolphin’ by prince is one of the most blissfully perfect moments in music.
74. that said, the tune ‘i love u, but do not trust u anymore’ also by prince is one of the most hauntingly intimate songs about the end of a relationship i’ve ever heard and almost always makes me cry.
75. it has taken me approx. 3 months to write this list. but it’s been kinda cool going through this process.
76. there is nothing quite like watching the sunset from above the clouds.
77. the original title of this blog was ‘kyle loves bunnies’
78. though i don’t actually have strong feelings about bunnies one way or another. it was just something landry and i came up with one night.
79. it still kinda makes me giggle when I think of the old title.
80. i really like words. tho’ i tend to overuse a word when i really like it until even i grow tired of it.
81. as such i love a good turn of phrase or lyric.
82. my love of lyrics annoys cb to no end. which is odd, ‘cause he loves poetry.


cheapblueguitar said...

I listened to Steve Taylor in college. I loved the album I Predict 1990.

cb said...

the whole, "sex encyclopedia" thing explains SO much...

Kevin said...

I gotta tell you ... 19, 26, 29, 31 and 71 strike a chord with me too.

landry said...

50. i will tell you about any of them (except one).
shhhhhh! i know what that one is

landry said...

57. i honestly don’t get why straight guys are struck dumb by a woman’s breasts.
i seem to have some recollection of you being in awe of mine on not just one occasion.'which is alternately flattering and really really icky.