
best cock on the block

there are 6 people in the world i know i can count on when needed - ray, cb, wendy, scott, stacey & landry. landry is pictured here (with her friend bryce - i do not know bryce, i wouldn't mind knowing bryce):

landry and i met sometime in 1999 on the internet. at the time she was in new york and i was in minneapolis (much as it is today). we met on a yahoo group for participants for the alaska aids vaccine ride which would take place in the summer of 2000. to this day i don't know why we clicked, or for that matter, which one of us emailed/messaged first. all that mattered is that i fuckin' fell in love (platonically people - we're both good homo's) with this kick ass chick from ny.

at the time both of us were on aol and our email back and forth quickly gave way to instant messaging where a common greeting from me was "hey baby, wanna fuck?" this confused her girlfriend greatly. and entertained me to no end.

fast forward to the ride - we were in fairbanks alaska on day zero (the day before the ride starts) and i was busy doing whatever was involved in my crew manager role on the ride (landry was riding) - all i remember is this wicked blur of a girl yelling my name then running across the lobby and hugging me. how she knew it was me is beyond me. without a doubt, that was one of the most physcially challenging rides any of us had been on (for both the riders and crew) and as such, we honestly only saw each other maybe 3-4 times during the whole week, but just the same - i knew i had a friend in her.

there it was the start of a life long (or at least a 7 year - hey is it time for one of us to cheat on the other?) friendship.

she's the one i choose to escape to after the debacle that was nick (new york is a lovely place to get lost for a few days while mending a broken heart), she's the one that never ceases to amaze me with her brilliance or talent. she's the one that can piss me off in one second flat, only to melt me with that shit eating grin the next.

so why you ask am i tripping down memory lane for ya'll...? well firstly, i thought i should introduce you to the girl that blew off helping me with my banner up above ., and secondly - well - tonight, as i was avoiding work talking on gtalk with wendy and landry and brian, she brought up the common topic of music (apparently bryce is scary savant like when it comes to music - i thought i was her only scary music freak friend; hey, wait-a-new-york-minute, this means she is cheating on me; hrumph).

which reminded me the bitch promised me a cd about 3.5 years ago and has yet to deliver.

yup, that's right, this trip down memory lane just got a little pot-holey.

we were sitting in my apartment one cold february day (she came to down to get me drunk for my birthday), and she hipped me to this cool act "bitch and animal" with this fuckin' great song "best cock on the block" on it. she promised to send me the song "the very minute i get back to new york". fast forward 3.5, i'm still waiting.

yea, yea, yea, i could just go buy the damn cd, and under other circumstances i would - but the principle demands that she fulfill her promise to me.

so here's what i need from all of you - i need to you to
email her imploring her to make good on her 3+ year promise.

i have a killer mix cd in my head that is all based around this track - i need this track.

seriously, my eternal happiness hinges on my getting this song.


p.s., i think that picture pretty much makes her look like she thinks she is best cock on the block. :-)


Kevin said...

I bet you can give her a run for her money!

Anonymous said...

She is.

landry said...

its true
i am.