
in other superman news

ok, apparently i've been so consumed by work (please god, let us hire a show coordinator soon) and the red ribbon ride that i completely missed the news that hollywood filmed a george reeves biopic. i tend to stay up on these things - where the hell have i been? george was tv's original superman - while not a groundbreaking show in anyway, i have fond memories of this black & white gem.

according to the police, george killed himself - but there have always been rumors swirling around as to if it was suicide or murder. well our friends in tinseltown have finally got round to doing a movie about it (can anyone say superman synergy?).

being the complete and total movie geek i am, i was gobsmacked this morning to discover the movie a) existed and b) a trailer was ready. the trailer looks very interesting - starring adrien brody, diane lane, bob hoskins (who has become one of the greatest character actors of all time if you ask me) and ben affleck as reeves'.

the movie is called 'hollywoodland' (the original sign had the added l-a-n-d - for information on why they were removed go here:
hollywoodland sign) and is based on a book that's been sitting on my nightstand for ages waiting for me to read it.

i haven't posted my review of
superman returns yet - i figured there were enough bloggers who posted their reviews, but suffice to say, i really liked it. loved it in fact - but just the same, i'm really excited to see this movie. i love behind the scenes biopics like this when they are done well... crossing fingers in anticipation.

go here for the trailer:
hollywoodland movie trailer

music heard during the writing of this post:

superman / sterephonics
hall of mirrors / siouxsie & the banshees
sweet sweet intuition / bjork


Dave said...

I've been taking a survey, and mostly it seems like people who don't read comics liked Superman Returns, while comic geeks like myself were disappointed. Which camp do you fall into?

Maddog said...

Movie looks great. I had not heard of it, but I'll definitely be on the lookout for it now.