
political rant of the morning - i believe more than ever that our country is run by shitheads. king george and his homies are the singular worst thing to ever happen to the united states of america.

as such, i pledge that we all get off our collective asses and do everything in our power as citizens to get the fuckwad and his ilk out of office. that means one thing boys and girls - become politically active.

it's not about sitting on the sidelines and just watching the tides roll in and out and voting every four years (if you vote at all). i realize it's a daunting task - i do, but if you want to change, you need to begin to change. get involved locally - get involved at the state level - and most certainly get involved in the national debate.

get educated. challenge the status quo.

start with a visit to either of these:
democratic underground
move on

and buy cool shit here:
democratic underground store

for the gay at heart:
stonewall democrats/

for the women in all of us:
http://national organization of women/

for the tree hugger (first of all, go see the movie
an inconvenient truth - more on that later):
the sierra club/

music heard:
missa solemnis in d major / beethovan ~ london symphony orchestra and the london voices

1 comment:

cb said...

What if I'm none of those things? but I do vote.