

there are two people i need to give credit to.... two amazing friends who both inspired me (jen) and kicked my ass (bolt) to actually do the blog in the first place.

jen once ran an amazing blog called moufa is bad (www.moufaisbad.com) - the minute i read moufa more than a eon ago, i knew i wanted to have my own blog. of course, want & desire vs. getting off ones ass and creating your own are two wholly different things. while moufa is gone (both literally and figuratively), it still stands as the single best blog i've ever ever had the pleasure of reading. jen has a new blog (who's address is a state secret) and the voice is the same and the tone still impresses, but i'll always have a softspot for mib.com. moufa, you big boy - rest in peace.

the other inspiration is only 3 days old - my buddy bolt in the hell that is durham north carolina decided the other day to he wanted a blog. did he agonize over the name like yours truly? nope. did he stress that he didn't have a unique template and lots of fancy features? uh-huh. he simply did it. bastard. so i put the previous blogs i'd conceived but never birthed to bed and got off the pot so to speak and created sr...sl. his blog is only 3 days old, but go check it out - if i know bolt (and i do by the way, know him - biblically in fact); he will have some amazingly interesting things to say (not to mention some of the most infuriating, inflaming and down-right "that's just wrong" things to say). http://www.manginamonologues.blogspot.com/

of course, inspiration comes in the form of the blogroll i read on a daily basis.... i'll get around to posting a complete blogroll soon; but in the meantime - these are some of my favorites:


music heard during the writing of this post:
godzilla / the creatures
left right / the chemical brothers
peek-a-boo / siouxsie & the banshees

9W @ 6:00pm

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